Monday, October 16, 2006

2K Update

Well i had a rough past 2 days and ended up going deep in the 1million on stars on sunday but not cashing and coming 1300 something. Played about 10 $20 single table sngs saturday and sunday and not cashing in any of them. Few small tournies here and there STILL no cashes. I started to think man this goal is out of reach.

Stats Updated:

Buy-ins: $130
Profit : $0.00
Bankroll: $492.75

Left to Go: $1507.25

Buy-Ins: $115.80
Profit: $0.00
Bankroll: $376.95

Left to Go: $1623.05

So that leaves todays events. If you have read my past blog about this youll see i chopped the $8.80 PLHE tourney last week. Well does a bear shit in the woods...cause guess what i chopped it again tonight for $496.51. The other guy got $577.49 but he had a 2:1 chip lead on me. Well then AGAIN i went to destroy him heads up and take the title. But again coulda happened either way and id rather have the extra $90 in my account. Im still pissed at the moron that called a reraise with K 2 and banged his 2 in on the turn for two pair. Donkies just never cease to amaze me. Zan seems to have it in his head they should rename the tourney "the MsuDU Invitational". Maybe 3 more wins and ill ask SupportDan if he will LOL. Anyways im headin to bed work at 7:30am tomorrow sucks. Oh yeah side note...i also turned $80 bucks into $870 on AP this weekend too playing $1/$2 NL but that doesnt count towards this goal cause it wasnt pokerstars.

Buy-Ins: $38.80
Profit: $465.71
Bankroll: $842.66

Left to Go: $1157.34 Just about halfway there and halfway through the month.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

How to turn $8.80 into 2K in one month

So heres my night i had $8.80 left in one of my poker accounts. Well it got me to thinking...what if i could turn that $8.80 into $2K by the end of october by playing strictly tournaments and not a single cash game. Well that doesnt sound too hard right. What if i was to say im trying to do this on Pokerstars, the worst site for horrid beats and unlucky runs that there is. Impossible well maybe but god damn it im gonna do it. My stats will be updated on here as well as on my instant messenger profile. So check back in and see how close im getting.


Stats so far:
Oct. 11th= Buy Ins: $8.80
Profit: $412.44

Left to go: $1578.56

I ended up chopping the $8.80 PLHE 300 max players on stars that night when it got down to the final two players...the asshole wouldnt give me an extra $9 bucks to make it even $430 but i did it anyways. Then i went to completely destroy him heads up and cost myself an extra $110 but i guess it could of went either way so ill take the $400 or so. That win definitely boosted my confidence in my game and i am playing stronger than i have since i had that huge month at the beginning of this year. Hopefully it keeps up.

Oct. 13th= Buy Ins: $141.00
Profit: $183.47

Left to go: $1377.25

I ended up going deep in the $11+R+A tonight and it definitely was a dissapointment. I was in for $31 the max like normal and ended up having a monster stack with about 150 players left from the original 947. Then i lost 3 huge pots that woulda totaled about 90K in chips which would of put me in great position to Final table that thing. I lost a 30K pot with KK to AQ and a guy with 99 was in there also but he didnt matter. It was just disheartening to lose to 3 outers all tourney long. None of my hands were holding in key major pots. But i put that beside me and ran some $22 single table sng's to end out the night since no tournies were running after like 1:30a.m. I ended up winning 3/5 sng's and NOT cashing in the other 2 lol kinda funny how that works but ill take it.

Anyways it's 3:30am and im gonna head to bed here.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Fun with Pokerstars support

Ok so heres the background on this situation that has risen. I have been having the worst run of bad beats in the past 3 days ive ever had AND i just got my chat revoked for 6 months for calling Lee Jones...the guy who runs pokerstars poker room...a cock sucker. So pokerstars support is really quick to respond and they really take their jobs waaaaaaaay too seriously for my taste. So i got pissed off about these bad beats and emailed support telling them that they are the reason my chat got revoked for putting bad beats on me and causing me to swear at the table and that i was going to proceed to email them every bad beat that i come across until my chat gets turned back on. For those of you who dont know they will not turn my chat back on til 6 months on the dot no if's and's or but's about it. So this makes for a very interesting game now and it gives me a smile to turn to. So heres how the game has went so far.

>>>Hello MsuDU19,
>>>We have received a complaint regarding your use of inappropriate
>>>language at our tables. After reviewing the chat log (see below), it
>>>was decided to remove your chat privileges for a period of 6 months.
>>>Your language was highly offensive and completely unacceptable.
>>>Our goal at PokerStars is to be a fun place to play, where everyone
>>>can feel comfortable. Foul language and abuse of other players takes
>>>away from everyone's enjoyment, and therefore will not be permitted.
>>>Please note that you may not be the only one receiving a message such
>>>as this. When we receive a chat complaint, we review the entire chat
>>>of all players at the table. Any other offenders at the table were
>>>also warned or revoked as appropriate to our policies.
>>>Your chat privileges will be reinstated in six months.
>>>PokerStars Support Team
>>>58628305 MsuDU19 thanks lee you cock sucker 4 7/17/2006
>>>12:40:29 AM

>>>Hey Jacob,
>>>This is the reason you idiots force me to say stupid shit like that.
>>>you get 2 outted 30 times in one day by a bunch of MORONS who somehow
>>>suck out because lee likes the horrible players to win on this site.

>>>From now on im sending in my bad beats in every tourney and ring game
>>that I
>>>play so you guys can realize what kind of horrible software and
>>>you are working for and stand for. So please if you can explain why
>>>this stuff happens to me 50-60 times a day please let me know so I
>>>can learn
>>>understand how this is a legit site and why I shouldn't withdraw my
>>>money and play for someone who stands by their legit software ?
>>>Kyle Rodriguez (MsuDU19)

Then they sent me some bullshit email about their random number generator and blah blah blah. But heres where i found another added twist.
>>I would be happy to supply you with the history of every hand that you
>>have played on this site for your perusal or for you to put them to an
>>audit by a third party, is that is something that would interest you.
So the game proceeds.

>>How is this action flop for you guys ?
>>PokerStars Game #5629230530: Tournament #28475603, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em
>>No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2006/07/21 - 03:50:28 (ET) Table
>>'28475603 1' 9-max Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: GaryJW (1670 in
>>chips) Seat 2: sheevakgb (3770 in chips) Seat 3: TheElite127 (2735 in
>>chips) Seat 4: MsuDU19 (1840 in chips) Seat 5: kashisi (2400 in chips)
>>Seat 8: cag76 (1085 in chips)
>>MsuDU19: posts small blind 50
>>kashisi: posts big blind 100
>>*** HOLE CARDS ***
>>Dealt to MsuDU19 [7h 7c]
>>cag76: raises 200 to 300
>>GaryJW: calls 300
>>sheevakgb: folds
>>TheElite127: folds
>>MsuDU19: calls 250
>>kashisi: folds
>>*** FLOP *** [9c 7s Kh]
>>MsuDU19: checks
>>cag76: checks
>>GaryJW: checks
>>*** TURN *** [9c 7s Kh] [8h]
>>MsuDU19: checks
>>cag76: bets 300
>>GaryJW: raises 500 to 800
>>MsuDU19: raises 740 to 1540 and is all-in
>>cag76: calls 485 and is all-in
>>GaryJW: calls 570 and is all-in
>>*** RIVER *** [9c 7s Kh 8h] [Td]
>>*** SHOW DOWN ***
>>MsuDU19: shows [7h 7c] (three of a kind, Sevens)
>>GaryJW: shows [Th Jh] (a straight, Seven to Jack) GaryJW collected
>>1170 from side pot
>>cag76: shows [Kd Ks] (three of a kind, Kings) GaryJW collected 3355
>>from main pot
>>*** SUMMARY ***
>>Total pot 4525 Main pot 3355. Side pot 1170. | Rake 0 Board [9c 7s Kh
>>8h Td] Seat 1: GaryJW showed [Th Jh] and won (4525) with a straight,
>>Seven to
>>Seat 2: sheevakgb folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: TheElite127
>>(button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: MsuDU19 (small blind)
>>showed [7h 7c] and lost with three of a
>>Seat 5: kashisi (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 8: cag76 showed
>>[Kd Ks] and lost with three of a kind, Kings

>Hello Kyle
>Thank you for your email and concerns.
>Hands like this happen from to time to time, however note that player
>is the player with the bad beat here having his KKK cracked. At not
>point during the hand were you favorite to win despite flopping a set.
>This is pretty much how every one goes broke in a tournament, 2 players
>a flop both players hit something one player goes broke. In you
>situation you were simply tied to the hand and could not fold.
>Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to
>contact us.
>PokerStars Support Team

And finally after sending in 8 more bad beat hand histories from 4 toiurnies that i was playing and yes these 8 bad beats happened in less than an hour. They finally reply with this.

Hello Kyle

And again this situation happens all the time during live and online games. It's poker, no hand is 100% going to win, especially preflop, sometimes the underdog wins. To be a great Poker Play you really need to learn to handle bad beats like the pro's do.

There is also no need to email us every time you lose a hand. If your serious about this game you will lose as the favorite on many occassions, sometimes you may go on huge losing streaks and other times you will be the one sucking out and winning pots as the underdog.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


PokerStars Support Team

So we'll have to see with what they come up with tomorrow...sooner or later theyll get sick of me and stop replying or turn my chat back on or something.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's about time

Well finally last night i won a $16DS on stars for a seat to the $650 dollar WSOP qualifier on sunday but just simply unregister and take the $650 bucks and call it a day. It's amazing how well i can play when my hands hold like they should. Someone is blowing Lee Jones for not quite sure who it is but good god thank you.

So then today im trying to waste some time before i head out to muskegon to see the beloved girlfriend that i havent seen in a week. I decide what the hell ill play another one see if i can go back to back championships. Well if hell hasnt frozen over im not sure what has happened because i blew through my first table in 8 min....yes you read that right 8 min. i beat out 4 players. Then i get to the FT and am pretty shortstacked the whole way through. I finally make a stand with 67 offsuit on a board of 68K all diamonds. Im thinking well if my pair isnt good enough im sure my flush draw is. And wouldnt you know it i was right and Lee let it hold one time for me and i doubled up. One guy gets taken out when he tries to make a move on my top pair and i call him out and it holds. So down to heads up were about even he might have 1K more than me. 3 hands in I flop two pair and i bet it out only to get raised. So what the hell i reraise and he pushes all in. Instantly calling knowing i have the best hand and his top pair is no good for me to take a 13K to 1K chip lead. He keeps pushing all in every hand til i finally catch AQ suited and just limp in when he comes over the top. INSTA-CALL his Q 10 never improves and i take home another $650 bucks.

God it feels good. Now it's time to look at the options for the WSOP. This is the first step and im sure it'll end with me being in matter how you look at it.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thursday Night at the Tables

Well i got home from work about 4:00 or so and went straight to my computer. I havent even changed out of my work clothes yet and it's about 12:30 or so. Tonight has been a very shitty night for poker. I start off getting destroyed at the .50/1 NL tables but i finally work my way back up 3 hours later to break 20 bucks ahead. Then i decide well it's a nice night for the $5rebuy tourney. So off the bat im in for 30 bucks because of idiots. But then after the break i explode and end up being chip leader with 30 people left. But then my 10 10 loses to QQ and i get bumped back down a little bit. Then surprise i run card dead until i get to the final table. And then i run card dead some more and end up coming in 7th out of the original 97 for $74. Not bad but not the outcome i wanted again.

So while im playin the $5r i decide hell i might as well play the $10r because i did so well in the other one. Well im in for the Mike would be proud and end up in the top 20 or so the whole tourney. And guess what card dead again and with 15 left im struggling to survive to make the FT since it only pays out 9 places. Then my 69 hits a full house for me( i had no choice in the matter i was all in on the blind) and im back in the running again. 2 hands later what do come across but QQ and i raise and everyone folds. The very next hand i get QQ again in the BB only we got a raiser on the button...he raises to 7200 and i push over the top knowing he's on a steal but he'll prolly call anyways and he does and this is what i come across

And i come in 12th place for no money. Good game me again.

Ok i understand bad beats yes they happen. But when the site consistently fucks you over like it does to me this is how the night turns into.

I sit down at the .50/1 NL game again because im not tired and have no life since my girlfriend has left me and this is what i get.

Hand #1

Hand #2
i win a small pot of about 8 bucks or so

Hand #3

Now like i was saying bad beats do happen but what the fuck come on now. This is starting to get a little ridiculous. The only thing i can do is just bend over and take it like a prison bitch. I do have one explanation with this though and why horrid beats always happen to me. I RARELY put my money or tournament life on the line with the worst hand. Now dont get me wrong im not the best poker player in the world or anything but im decent. But that is the only thing i can possibly think of to explain AP bending me over like a prison slut. So lets see if i can win back the $70 i lost already or win the $10 tourney im in right now...but that's not looking so hot.

woot as im writing this i won 30 back on a halfway suckout.

but see the difference is that i had top pair plus the flush draw. I thought i was probably beat but the flush draw made it worth the call because even if i was beat i had a lot of outs and plus it was only 11 bucks i was pretty much pot committed.

Well enough with my rants for now. If you got any advice please feel free to leave it.

Oh yeah quick last one. this was in the $10 tourney just now.

Do i really want to quit everything and play poker for a living ? Im starting to have second thoughts.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

How can this happen again ?

Ok just finished up another 3rd place finish for the WSOP qualifiers. This one was on Absolute for event #17 which is a $1000 buy in event. The tourney started off with 68 players in it with the $50 dollar buy top 2 win seats to the event. And yes i come in 3rd to win $160 because some idiot hits a 4 outer after 4 outer to stay alive. Mark this outcome as the fucking 7th time now that i have come one person away from winning a seat at the WSOP this year so far and a broken mouse on top of that. I dont know how much more i can take of this with having to sit at home and watch it on tv again this year.

Fuck 4 outers and kick me in the balls please.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Cinco De Mayo

Well i got back from Muskegon a little early today from dropping my girlfriend off and decided to make it a poker night to take my mind off my real life for a little bit.

Sat down and started playing a little .50/1 NL ring game on Absolute Poker. I grainded it out for about 3 hours and was still about even for the time being after some ups and downs. K high flushes losing to A high flushes on the flop and so on. Then i was just so lucky as to get KK and get all my money in preflop...and like usual i was up against AA. But the AP gods were sent down and let me catch a K on the flop and snap those Aces up that guy's ass for once. After that i decided it was prolly a good idea to stop and left ahead +$73 bucks.

Next was the $5 rebuy on AP and after a few beats i was in for $25 total sitting with 9K after the break and addon period. I doubled up when i hit a boat against a guy's nut flush that we both hit on the river and jumped into the top 10 with 90 players left from the original 138 that started. I ended up running card dead to hell with about 18 left in the tourney and got really short stacked. I limped into the final table and was in last place. My A 6 of diamonds against A 5 os doubles me up to about 45K but still short stacked. I pushed on the button with A 9 suited and the big blind picks up A 10 suited and calls me and i get knocked out in 9th place for a whopping +$43 profit. But hell ill take $5 bucks from anything that's poker related.

Right now im running in 3rd in the 4K guaranteed on AP with 30 players left out of the original 218 we started with. I got a big stack going early and jumped up to 10K but then donked some of it away with AK vs. JJ and lost that race. Then went card dead again until about 10 hands ago. Picked up AQ and decided to make a move at a guy i put on AK with a 33576 board with 3 clubs on the board. I called an 1800 bet on the turn just to take the pot away if a 3rd club hit and it did so i pushed and he folded just like i thought he would. Then i picked up AA and doubled up against AK on a K high flop and now im just leaning on the table and pickin up the blinds because it's the bubble time and nobody wants to go out on the bubble. :) Ill give you an update tomorrow on how this one turned out.

But for now goodnight and until next time....Fuck action flops and fuck lee jones.