Saturday, October 14, 2006

How to turn $8.80 into 2K in one month

So heres my night i had $8.80 left in one of my poker accounts. Well it got me to thinking...what if i could turn that $8.80 into $2K by the end of october by playing strictly tournaments and not a single cash game. Well that doesnt sound too hard right. What if i was to say im trying to do this on Pokerstars, the worst site for horrid beats and unlucky runs that there is. Impossible well maybe but god damn it im gonna do it. My stats will be updated on here as well as on my instant messenger profile. So check back in and see how close im getting.


Stats so far:
Oct. 11th= Buy Ins: $8.80
Profit: $412.44

Left to go: $1578.56

I ended up chopping the $8.80 PLHE 300 max players on stars that night when it got down to the final two players...the asshole wouldnt give me an extra $9 bucks to make it even $430 but i did it anyways. Then i went to completely destroy him heads up and cost myself an extra $110 but i guess it could of went either way so ill take the $400 or so. That win definitely boosted my confidence in my game and i am playing stronger than i have since i had that huge month at the beginning of this year. Hopefully it keeps up.

Oct. 13th= Buy Ins: $141.00
Profit: $183.47

Left to go: $1377.25

I ended up going deep in the $11+R+A tonight and it definitely was a dissapointment. I was in for $31 the max like normal and ended up having a monster stack with about 150 players left from the original 947. Then i lost 3 huge pots that woulda totaled about 90K in chips which would of put me in great position to Final table that thing. I lost a 30K pot with KK to AQ and a guy with 99 was in there also but he didnt matter. It was just disheartening to lose to 3 outers all tourney long. None of my hands were holding in key major pots. But i put that beside me and ran some $22 single table sng's to end out the night since no tournies were running after like 1:30a.m. I ended up winning 3/5 sng's and NOT cashing in the other 2 lol kinda funny how that works but ill take it.

Anyways it's 3:30am and im gonna head to bed here.


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