Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thursday Night at the Tables

Well i got home from work about 4:00 or so and went straight to my computer. I havent even changed out of my work clothes yet and it's about 12:30 or so. Tonight has been a very shitty night for poker. I start off getting destroyed at the .50/1 NL tables but i finally work my way back up 3 hours later to break 20 bucks ahead. Then i decide well it's a nice night for the $5rebuy tourney. So off the bat im in for 30 bucks because of idiots. But then after the break i explode and end up being chip leader with 30 people left. But then my 10 10 loses to QQ and i get bumped back down a little bit. Then surprise i run card dead until i get to the final table. And then i run card dead some more and end up coming in 7th out of the original 97 for $74. Not bad but not the outcome i wanted again.

So while im playin the $5r i decide hell i might as well play the $10r because i did so well in the other one. Well im in for the Mike would be proud and end up in the top 20 or so the whole tourney. And guess what card dead again and with 15 left im struggling to survive to make the FT since it only pays out 9 places. Then my 69 hits a full house for me( i had no choice in the matter i was all in on the blind) and im back in the running again. 2 hands later what do come across but QQ and i raise and everyone folds. The very next hand i get QQ again in the BB only we got a raiser on the button...he raises to 7200 and i push over the top knowing he's on a steal but he'll prolly call anyways and he does and this is what i come across

And i come in 12th place for no money. Good game me again.

Ok i understand bad beats yes they happen. But when the site consistently fucks you over like it does to me this is how the night turns into.

I sit down at the .50/1 NL game again because im not tired and have no life since my girlfriend has left me and this is what i get.

Hand #1

Hand #2
i win a small pot of about 8 bucks or so

Hand #3

Now like i was saying bad beats do happen but what the fuck come on now. This is starting to get a little ridiculous. The only thing i can do is just bend over and take it like a prison bitch. I do have one explanation with this though and why horrid beats always happen to me. I RARELY put my money or tournament life on the line with the worst hand. Now dont get me wrong im not the best poker player in the world or anything but im decent. But that is the only thing i can possibly think of to explain AP bending me over like a prison slut. So lets see if i can win back the $70 i lost already or win the $10 tourney im in right now...but that's not looking so hot.

woot as im writing this i won 30 back on a halfway suckout.

but see the difference is that i had top pair plus the flush draw. I thought i was probably beat but the flush draw made it worth the call because even if i was beat i had a lot of outs and plus it was only 11 bucks i was pretty much pot committed.

Well enough with my rants for now. If you got any advice please feel free to leave it.

Oh yeah quick last one. this was in the $10 tourney just now.

Do i really want to quit everything and play poker for a living ? Im starting to have second thoughts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude write a little something about your life because as fun as poker may be reading about it is as dumb a thing as i have ever heard of. By the way, good luck

5/19/2006 7:56 PM  

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