Monday, October 16, 2006

2K Update

Well i had a rough past 2 days and ended up going deep in the 1million on stars on sunday but not cashing and coming 1300 something. Played about 10 $20 single table sngs saturday and sunday and not cashing in any of them. Few small tournies here and there STILL no cashes. I started to think man this goal is out of reach.

Stats Updated:

Buy-ins: $130
Profit : $0.00
Bankroll: $492.75

Left to Go: $1507.25

Buy-Ins: $115.80
Profit: $0.00
Bankroll: $376.95

Left to Go: $1623.05

So that leaves todays events. If you have read my past blog about this youll see i chopped the $8.80 PLHE tourney last week. Well does a bear shit in the woods...cause guess what i chopped it again tonight for $496.51. The other guy got $577.49 but he had a 2:1 chip lead on me. Well then AGAIN i went to destroy him heads up and take the title. But again coulda happened either way and id rather have the extra $90 in my account. Im still pissed at the moron that called a reraise with K 2 and banged his 2 in on the turn for two pair. Donkies just never cease to amaze me. Zan seems to have it in his head they should rename the tourney "the MsuDU Invitational". Maybe 3 more wins and ill ask SupportDan if he will LOL. Anyways im headin to bed work at 7:30am tomorrow sucks. Oh yeah side note...i also turned $80 bucks into $870 on AP this weekend too playing $1/$2 NL but that doesnt count towards this goal cause it wasnt pokerstars.

Buy-Ins: $38.80
Profit: $465.71
Bankroll: $842.66

Left to Go: $1157.34 Just about halfway there and halfway through the month.


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